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Kenneth Assemi


Kenneth Assemi

Kenneth Assemi officially began his search for vocation and wisdom when he chose to follow his passion, earning bachelor degrees in Philosophy and Psychology. He went on to earn a Master of Music emphasizing Jazz Guitar Performance to explore the rich world of harmony and improvisation to accompany a Blues guitar style. Eventually dissatisfied with where his education had taken him he began opening his self to more and larger esoteric realms studying and training in applied philosophies like Chi Kung and various Hindu Yogic disciplines, received certified training in nutritional therapy and 17 years of experience with various dietary paradigms. All of this set the stage for him to be able to be bitten by the "astrology bug" via a unforgettably moving transit in 2012 from Pluto to his natal Sun, Moon, and Mars. As a result his astrological studies began in Vedic Astrology using the tropical zodiac, then Evolutionary Astrology and in 2016 he had the deep pleasure to meet Vibrational Astrology (VA) and he continues to be in awe over its validity and virtually limitless potential. Kenneth has seen the validity of VA in his own life and others' and has been using VA to guide others for 2.5 years and is honored to be a part of David Cochrane's Avalon School of Astrology. Kenneth enjoys spending his time teaching guitar, composing and arranging music, providing astrological guidance and making exciting discoveries through research in VA.

Lecture Description

The effects of the Moon's Nodes through the 12 houses   A Vibrational Astrology Research Study

In this lecture, we will examine the effects of the Moon's Nodes throughout the 12 houses through case studies of people who do not have planets in the houses where their nodes are located. The study controls for a number of factors, including Zodiac Sign (e.g., the North Node in the first house is always in Aries, etc.) and House System (house placement is the same regardless of whether it is calculated by Equal-Asc., Equal-Mc, Equal-Vertex, or popular quadrant systems, such as Placidus). This lecture will unveil the results of this study.


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